I smiled when the email popped in, filled with words we didn’t write, but ones infused with familiar language in our partnership.
“Some say we’re in the painting business. We’re not. We’re in the transformation business.”
Damn straight they are.
What business do you say you’re in?
What business are you actually in?
Sell insurance? Practically, sure. But you’re really in the peace of mind business.
Hardscapes and patio business? Kinda. Neighborhood envy business might be closer to the mark.
Slinging sandwiches? How about the creating moments of conversation business?
The music and entertainment business? Double down on memories and experiences instead.
Home service of any kind business? You’re really in the I’ll-do-what-I-say-and-therefore-you-can-trust-me-I-promise-I’ll-show-up-and-treat-you-like-a-human-and-care-for-you business.
We all know what you sell. You can stop talking about it so often.
What we don’t know quite as clearly?
How will I feel before you show up and after you leave?
What will change in my life if I say yes?
What pain exists in me, that I may be avoiding or don’t realize, that you can help me with?
Will you be able to show me the way?
That’s probably the business you’re really in, I imagine.