TrueVoice Tuesday, a weekly email designed to give you a short burst of inspiration in a world that feels chaotic and confusing.
Each week the format is: A Truth | A Tip | A Take | A Tale.
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A Truth (one thought about living your TrueVoice):
A simple framework to keep in mind as you learn to share your TrueVoice.
Your TrueVoice + Understanding Your Ideal Audience’s Transformation = Compounding Impact
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A Tip (one thing I’ve picked up from others this week):
“Messy is fine. But what we’re looking for is effort.” – Theresa Hubbard on a must listen to podcast about shame.
Shame prevents us from sharing our TrueVoice.
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A Take (a strong opinion or nitpick):
For the majority of things we really want, we don’t lack education. We lack the courage and effort to take a step forward.
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A Tale (a short story):
Our family was on a much-needed, and overall really connecting, vacation last week. A slow week on the lake with lots of water, walking, and Olympics watching.
On Thursday, we had rented a boat online, and walked into the marina to get the goodness going.
Book a Day of Old-Fashioned Fun.
That’s the hero copy on the website.
As we creaked through the old screen door, we were greeted by a woman employee who forgot to read the website before she rolled into work that day.
She was the opposite of fun.
She somehow endured our transaction with much loathing and then shoved the receipt at me, with very little instruction, and told me to “go out back and one of the guys will help you.”
So we did.
And as we approached the covered shed full of “guys who will help you”, none of them really bothered to be bothered.
Until finally, we got close enough to them where one of the guys finally put his phone away and came out into the sun to do his job.
His three coworkers made fun of him the entire time he kind of helped us.
They called each other names, came to no one’s aid, and generally brought the fun down all the notches.
And then, to top it off, the guy “helping” us made a wildly inappropriate and offensive comment about his “colleagues” right in front of us.
After the weird exchange, we finally pulled the rented boat from the dock.
And what we hoped would be an incredible afternoon was all of a sudden filled with negative energy.
Like we had all caught the virus.
It lasted a few minutes, until we all realized what was happening.
We were on the lake, together, ready to enjoy the day, and we’d let this unhelpful, negative bunch pass their energy right to us.
Eventually, we smiled, laughed, and ended up having a day of old-fashioned fun after all.
It made me think of the experience our energy has on others.
The TrueVoice we all have within us doesn’t have to be rah rah and roses, but it does sing the song of connectivity and creativity, benefiting someone else just enough to brighten a day to a fellow traveler who may not feel up to it that day.