A good friend and colleague sent me this article over the weekend. It’s a fascinating read on KC, sports, business, chasing dreams, solving problems, friendship and love.
If you care about any of those things, give it a read. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
One of the nuggets that struck me, coming from a self-made billionaire nonetheless, was his take on entrepreneurship:
“Slog away at it. Figure it out.”
There aren’t any super soft v-neck t-shirts with that phrase on it.
There are no hashtags on Instagram with dudes in front of Lambos that say #SlogAway.
There aren’t many trending tweets that just say “find a problem and slog away until you figure it out…”
The lightning in a bottle, strike it big, create the next Uber business model sounds awesome.
It’s just not very likely.
Instead, wake up tomorrow and keep slogging. See problems. Figure out how to solve them.
Care for people, listen to their pain. Show up with an idea or two that may help them.
And then slog away at it.
Not sexy. Not viral. Not trendy.
But effective enough for a billionaire. So it’s probably solid advice for you and me.