If you went for it?
If you slowed down?
If you quit?
If you started?
If you asked for a raise?
If you asked for more responsibility?
If you took more responsibility?
If you quit waiting for permission?
If you became more aware?
If you ignored the noise?
If you listened deep inside for the whispers?
If you told better stories?
If you lived a better story?
If you told fear to F off?
If you wrote something for the world to see?
If you took a stand?
If you took initiative?
If you thought you were enough?
If you took a different perspective?
If you stopped complaining?
If you hit publish?
If you said sorry?
If you told the truth?
If you meditated?
If you went to therapy?
If you operated from love?
If you gave someone the benefit of the doubt?
If you gave yourself the benefit of the doubt?
If you refused to accept the ceilings others imposed on you?
If you believed, like really believed, you could do it?
If you stopped shrinking back from the life you were created to live?
What would happen?