Saturday’s Question: Are You Sure?

That you’re right?

That you’re unbiased?

That you’re seeing clearly?

It’s going to be terrible?

It’s going to be amazing?

It’s going to be too hard?

Somebody’s already done it?

Somebody’s better?

Somebody’s out to get you?

Your idea sucks?

Your life sucks?

Your boss sucks?

Their life is amazing?

Their path is perfect?

Their problems aren’t as painful?

Comparison is helpful to your healing?

Comparison doesn’t rob you blind?

Comparison fosters any sort of connection?

Scrolling will satisfy?

Scrolling will lead to a solution?

Scrolling will enlarge your life?

You don’t have what it takes?

You aren’t enough?

You are an imposter?

It’s not going to work?

It’s not going to be OK?

It’s not worth fighting for?

You’re stuck carrying that same tired story around?

You’re stuck with that same heavy load of anxiety?

You’re stuck in those same unhealthy patterns?

It has to be really complicated?

It can’t be done?

It takes too much money?

The truth will be too hard for anyone to hear?

The truth will leave you abandoned and ashamed?

The truth is harder to tell than a million shades of white lies?

That you’re sure?

Or could there possibly be another way, explanation, story, answer, solution, or path?

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