Are You a Thermostat or Thermometer?

Our office has this table right inside. Some hand sanitizer, face masks, wipes, and a digital thermometer.

Everyone who comes in takes a quick read on the forehead.

The thermometer is an outside indicator of what’s taking place on the inside.

At home, we often have “friendly reminders” that aren’t always friendly, with our kids, who think the thermostat should be set to 67 degrees when it’s barely spring.

“But it gets soooo hot up here” their tired saying goes.

Here’s the deal about both.

A thermometer, as the outside source, doesn’t give anything its heat (or cold). It’s simply a diagnostic tool.

A thermostat, on the hand, sets the temperature. It directs the flow and intensity. It charts the course.

Which are you at work, home, and with yourself?

Constantly looking for an external source to validate, approve, give you a reading, pat on the back, or make the decision on your behalf?

Or the one who sets your own internal temperature, brings the energy, thoughtfulness, and initiative to warm up the rooms you’re in?

We’re, of course, a mix of both.

But isn’t the journey towards a regulated, internal thermostat lifestyle a more rewarding one than being fearful of what the thermometer might tell you any given morning?

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